David took Zaphod, our new camera, with him on the retreat. Because I couldn't go this year, I asked him to take a few representative pictures. And wow, did he deliver -- he came back with over 2000 pictures! Many of these were continuous shots taken of various action scenes (snow football, basketball games, etc.), and others were part of David's learning curve with the camera, but I love all of them. And I posted 500+ of them on Facebook -- so you can see all of those if you're my Facebook friend. (And I'm an equal opportunity Facebook-friender, so feel free to friend me if we're not already Facebook friends!)
Here are just a few of our favorite pictures from the PEF/Manna winter retreat:
Camp Spofford was beautiful and snow-covered this year -- and got a lot more snow mid-week during the massive storm that hit most of the eastern US.
Some of the awesome action shots David was able to get:
Had I gone on the retreat this year, I would have hung out in the chalet all day with these folks:
Drew in the second-semester senior thesising zone
(I remember writing the first chapter of my thesis in these very booths...)
And a few photos of other representative retreat happenings:
It really looks like everyone had a wonderful, refreshing time on the retreat! And I'm seriously considering taking a week's vacation next year to be able to come along...
Sometimes, it really feels like we live in a Norman Rockwell painting. This weekend was one of those times. It's been cold enough long enough for Lake Carnegie to freeze over, so there were a bunch of people out on the lake on Saturday afternoon. We decided to take a photography walk with the express purpose of taking pictures of frozen lake fun. There were kids playing hockey, figure skaters, families taking their babies and their dogs out for a walk -- seriously, Norman Rockwell winter painting material!
And, of course, we've picked right back up into our regularly scheduled busyness... Yesterday, we helped organize a Superbowl party for the new 20s and 30s ministry at our church. We had a live internet feed of the game (which was, curiously enough, streaming from a Canadian station, complete with Canadian commercials), set up in a local Christian bookstore/coffeehouse. And we brought tons of food... It really is extraordinarily easy to host an event for this crowd. People bring more food than promised, are all great conversationalists, and stick around to help clean up afterwards... It makes for a great party!
And it helps, too, that the Steelers won. :) What an exciting fourth quarter!
A bitter face-off between a die-hard Cardinals fan and a die-hard Steelers fan
(Anna, next year, I'll make sure to at least learn a few of the players' names beforehand!)
There were only actually about six people at the party who really cared about the game... The rest of us were just there to hang out. :) Good times were had by all, though -- we're looking forward to the next big event!
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