So what has our little guy been up to this last month? We'll have a developmental rundown in the Joshua Watch post to come sometime later this week (can you believe he's almost four months old already??), but here are some photos of the fun we've been having with our J-man!
A playdate with Lucy and Nora D! We finally got to meet the twin daughters of our friends Harmony and David -- they were born just a couple weeks after Joshua was, and the D family lives just a couple sections over in our development, but what with the craziness of caring for newborns (plus, Lucy and Nora have an almost-two-year-old older brother!), we weren't able to get together until just a few weeks ago. These little girls are so sweet -- I'd like to think our three kiddos had fun playing together. :) And it was certainly good to see Harmony again! We definitely need to put together another playdate sometime soon!

Making friends at small group! We've been taking Joshua to our small group Bible studies since he was about two weeks old, but it's only recently that he's been okay with being held by others. Rest assured, I've busted out the camera pretty much every time he's played well with someone else. :)

Smiling -- and laughing! Joshua is smiling more regularly now, and in response to specific things that we do. He loves it when we rub his belly, or when we make fools of ourselves saying things like "Yaaaaaay!" to him in high-pitched voices. :) He's also started to laugh -- real, sweet belly laughs! The first time he laughed was when I had him on the changing table with a clean diaper -- I was playing with his feet, and blew raspberries on them, and he just burst into laughter. The sweetest sound in the world! And the second time was in response to David tickling his belly and squeezing his cheeks while he was playing in his activity gym. So he's an equal opportunity laugher. :)
No videos of him laughing yet (though that's on my list of things to try to get!), but here's my new favorite photo of our adorable little guy smiling his heart out at us!

Other Joshua news to come. We had a wonderful visit from David's brother Iain and his girlfriend Erin last weekend; we're also starting to get Joshua used to being bottle-fed by his daddy, in preparation for my return to work next week. These both deserve posts of their own, and will get them once I get the photos uploaded off our camera!
very cute! i LOVE the picture of Joshua's grin, and it really reminds me of David! and I had no idea Myles had twin sisters! I babysat him when he was just a newborn two years ago :)
i'm sure he did have fun with his friends!! you'll be surprised at how much they'll be interacting with each other in just a short couple of months, it's crazy that 6 month-olds already know about sharing (or lack of!). and love the photo capture of him smiling.. those are hard to come by. so sweet!
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