Wednesday, September 23, 2009

And so it begins...

One reason why we've been (relatively) quiet on the blog and facebook fronts the last couple weeks is because of all the hubbub surrounding the beginning of the school year. We had our beach retreat with the returning students at the beginning of the month, which got us all geared up and ready to go for a jam-packed frosh orientation week!

The schedule of events from the week:

Sunday evening (9/13) -- PEF open house (starting at 9:30pm. Because students are crazy.)
Monday evening -- first Freshman Bible Study of the year
Wednesday evening -- frosh ice cream social and games night
Friday evening -- cookout, and then first Friday Night Fellowship of the year
Saturday afternoon -- football frenzy (touch football, tailgate, then off to the game)

David and I didn't actually go to all of these events. Because we're old, and had other commitments with our small groups -- and because we're not as crazy young and energetic as the students and the new interns...

As an aside, it's been really wonderful to have two new interns on staff this year! Liz and John both just graduated last spring, and they're so enthusiastic and on top of things with freshman outreach. John is also the first male intern PEF has had since David's intern year... So this is the first year that David hasn't been assigned to supervise outreach to frosh guys. I know he misses it, but it's also been wonderful for him to be able to dive fully into ministry to junior guys, and outreach to new grad students.

Anyways, on to the real reason for this post -- photos of the orientation week events we did get to go to!

PEF Open House

The beautiful ministry team posters created by the interns

A totally *not* posed shot of some of the students and staff

OK, this one's more candid

Chris demonstrating one of the perks of being on staff:
getting to lay claim to all the leftover snacks at the end of an event

Cookout and First FNF

Lydia and Jeremy putting the banner together under John's direction...

...while their little sister Laura goes for the good stuff

Bill on the grill!

Another candid group shot

President Anthony opening the meeting
(in McCormick 101 instead of Murray-Dodge due to Ramadan events in MD)

We love the beginning of the school year -- such a hectic, vibrant, wonderful time! Things are slowly starting to settle down into a normal routine, but there are still more events (and photo blogs!) to come...

For the full set of open house and cookout photos, check out this SmugMug gallery.

1 comment:

Emily said...

Just be thanking the Lord you're in your second trimester for all of these shin-digs! :)