But there are some big changes on the horizon, so I wanted to mention them at least in part here -- to chronicle our family life faithfully, and also to ask that you pray for us as we make these transitions.
So about a month ago, I started looking for a new job. Given how terrible the legal market is right now (link to an article that I think should be required reading for all considering law school), we were steeling ourselves for a months-long search and the potential of long-term unemployment...
But in this-is-happening-so-fast-our-heads-are-still-spinning fashion, I managed to land an amazing job in just two weeks. It's in the Princeton office of another large firm, located just across Route 1 from our apartment -- so I'll be doubling my commute, from 2.5 minutes to 5 minutes. :) I'll be working in a very busy but really stable practice group, responsible for a lot more and getting a ton of hands-on litigating experience. And I get such a great, friendly vibe from everyone I've met over there so far. I'm really excited about this new opportunity!
It does, however, mean that I'll be back to working full-time. And this is a true BigLaw full-time, with what promises to be a fairly grueling pace. We've spent the last couple weeks busily rejiggering the rhythms of our lives in preparation for this change... Joshua had been spending one day a week with his buddy Phil in a nanny share arrangement, so we've worked out a new arrangement where he'll be over with Phil three days a week instead. Two of those days, he'll be watched by Carrie (as he has been for the last several months). The third day, he'll be watched by the B family's second nanny, a wonderful woman named Jennie. Thanks to Hilary and Steven's assistance through all of this, the logistical details of drawing up and signing a contract with Jennie's agency has gone incredibly smoothly, and we're hopeful that this will all work well for Joshua!
David will also be picking up a good deal of the slack at home. I'm low-balling my expectations for my free time at home -- because then, if I *do* get home in time to feed Joshua dinner, that will be a pleasant surprise... My current plan, though, is to at least wake up every morning with Joshua and spend that time with him every day.
And we got ourselves a second car this week. It's a little ridiculous, since neither of us will be commuting more than about three miles! But given the time pressures we'll be facing, we decided it would be wisest to have the second car -- so, for instance, it'll be easy for me to drop Joshua off in the mornings and for David to then pick him up in the evenings. (And since our first car is a blue car named The Colonel, it makes sense that our second car is a red one named The Major, right?)
We're very thankful for this new job for me, and through this whole process, we've seen abundant reminders of God's faithfulness to our family. So we're clinging to that faithfulness as we transition into this next season of our lives -- I start my new job on Monday morning! Please do be praying for us, though. And forgive me if the blogging becomes even more sporadic. :)
Oh, and what's a blog post without a photo, right? Here's one quick snapshot of our little guy, cracking himself up with the funny noises he's learned to make with his tongue -- I've got to get this on video sometime soon!

1 comment:
Just remember: Pictures of Joshua and blog posts >>>>>>>>> Fancy new lawyer job.
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