On picture day, we spent the morning before school talking about photographers and cameras and how super happy fun exciting it would all be. One of the "Thomas the Tank Engine" episodes Joshua loves to watch includes a segment with a photographer taking pictures of the trains, so he had a fun point of reference for the whole experience. (Read: more fun than the times mama forces him to sit next to Sophia and smile and look at her annoying camera!)
When I picked him up from school that morning, I asked him about the photographer, and he was full of fun stories. "There was a 'tographer at Joshua's school! I liked the 'tographer. I sit down in a chair! TWO kids sat on the table. One kid was sad. I was sad, Mama, I was sad. The 'tographer took my picture! And I was sad! I liked the 'tographer."
So, um, I really wasn't sure whether the photo captured him in a happy frame of mind, liking the chair, or if he would be sympathy screaming with another kid...
The photos came in a few weeks later, and oh my goodness, y'all, look at this cuteness!

When I get a chance, I really need to scan in the photo, but this cell phone shot will do for now! I'm so very, ridiculously pleased with this first school picture. So impressed that the photographer caught a genuine smile from our handsome little man!
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