Monday, June 25, 2012

2012: The year of the perfect Father's Day photos!

I'm in the middle of writing a blog post for Father's Day 2013, and realized that Father's Day 2012 fell in the black hole of unblogged posts and pictures from last year... So this is embarrassingly after the fact, and only the tip of the old backlog iceberg, but here's a little bit of a start...  :)

Every year since Joshua was born, we've kept up a tradition of doing D-A-D photos as a Father's Day gift for David.  And every year, I've had a vision of lovely outdoor photos which sadly never came to pass.  (See the 2010 attempt and the 2011 attempt...)

Never, that is, until this year.  :)

Joshua is finally old enough to really enjoy playing outdoors.  And he's at an age where he's beginning to ham it up for the camera, complete with a giant cheesy grin.

So finally, finally, we managed to get the photos I've always wanted to get for David.  :)

(And let me also say how very much I love playing with telephoto lengths -- these shots were all taken in the little patch of yard between and amongst the condos, but the telephoto compression makes it actually look pretty!)

Just a few of my favorites from this session.  You can see that one of the tricks in my "getting Joshua to look at the camera" bag is asking him where the camera is -- he loves pointing, with his entire body, at the camera.  :)

And the official Father's Day 2012 set!

Happy Father's Day to all you wonderful fathers out there!