Sophia turned one month old in the hospital, so we had to wait a few days before we could take her "official" one month photos. But I managed to take some photos the day after we got back home, just four days late. :) As with Joshua, I'm planning to take photos of Sophia every month, next to a large stuffed animal as a growth comparator. And this time around, I'm going to try to prop her up in a sitting position, in hopes that it will be easier to get a photo of a sitting baby than trying to compel a newly-mobile baby to lie placidly on her back... We'll see how successful my attempts will be with Sophia!
So, without further ado, here's the inaugural Sophia Watch photo!

(And introducing Bunbun, Sophia's giant plush bunny!)
Look at how big she's grown in her first month of life! We had her one-month check-up last Thursday, and she weighs 11 pounds (90th percentile) and is now 21 inches long (50th percentile). Dr. N was very pleased with her growth, and noted that it's unlikely that Sophia's staph infection was indicative of any problems with her immune system, as babies with compromised immune systems just don't thrive as well as Sophia is doing. We're so thankful for how well Sophia is growing!
I've mentioned this before, but Sophia really is a mellow, contented baby. She's pretty much put herself on a three-hour routine of eating and sleeping, but she's not much bothered by disruptions to her routine (or even to her sleep). Which is a really good thing, given how very disruptive her big brother can be! Joshua means well, but his full-body hugs and his insistence on shoving Sophia's pacifier in her face while she's nursing aren't really as helpful as he might think... But it really is sweet to watch them interact with each other. And we're thankful for Sophia's easy-going nature in the face of Joshua's attentions!
And here are some favorites from our one-month photo session with Sophia, complete with cameos from big brother -- who just happened to be wearing his two-year birthday shirt. I wish I could say I was organized enough to have coordinated that!

And then, of course, Joshua insisted that it was his turn to wear the sticker. :)

We all love you so much, Sophia, and we're so thankful to have you safe, healthy, and home with us! Happy one-month birthday, little girl!
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! :D
love these pictures!
btw, where did you get those adorable alphabet pictures hanging on the wall?
Thanks, guys! Julie, the alphabet cards are from Land of Nod -- they're billed as flash cards, but I think they're great as wall decor!
You look like a very cool parent, Christina! I adore Sophia’s picture. I have read that staph infection more likely occurs among individuals whose immune systems have been weakened by another disease. It’s good that her staph infection is not related to any immune or respiratory system problems. However, it could require extra care with regards to her food, drinks, and bath water. It will be better to regularly consult your pedia. --------------Malachi Cates
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