Our cute wee baby is now a strapping young lad of five months! And he just keeps growing like crazy -- he's
definitely taller than his plush tiger now!

This has been a real month of change for young Joshua. I went back to work part-time at the beginning of the month, which caused a bit of a disruption to the routine we had going on for our little guy. He had a
tough transition to eating from a bottle offered by daddy, but he seems to be resigned to the idea now. Though he's now eating well from bottles, the fact that he
could go an extra hour or two between meals (he used to basically wait until I came back for lunch and would eat extra then, and do the same in the evening when I came home) led us to the conclusion that we could try stretching his routine out to four hours. That was a bit of a tough transition as well, but we've made it through, and he's now happily eating every four-
plus hours. Which sometimes stresses his mama out, but I have to remind myself that if he's able to sleep well, and is still eating five full meals a day, he's probably not starving to death. :)
My return to work has had some hugely positive benefits as well. Joshua has always loved playing with his daddy, but it's now very clear that David is his favorite playmate in the whole entire world. :) His spending more time one-on-one with David seems to have coincided with an increase in his general interactiveness -- Joshua now has a clear preference for playing with us, rather than playing with toys, and it's so rewarding to see his face light up when we come into his field of vision!
Joshua has also had opportunities to interact with others in a much bigger way this month. David took him to the year-end PEF staff meetings, where Joshua was held and played with by all of the others on staff, all of whom so love our little boy. :) And with the onset of summer PEF activities, where everyone is on a more relaxed schedule and can hang out for longer periods, more students have had opportunities to get to know our little guy. So we're starting to establish a pool of potential babysitters. :)
And in other developmental tidbits -- Joshua is now very handy at grabbing his toys, holding onto them tightly, and bringing them to his mouth. And his current favorite toys are
his toes. :) He has also started discovering his voice, and likes to make startlingly loud shrieks at random, just because he can... We call them his happy pterodactyl noises. And he now
loves his baths. He's discovered the joys of splashing about, and he looks up at me so adoringly while I bathe him -- it's so wonderful being able to share that with him!
And he's become resigned to the fact that he's my favorite little model. :) I got a few cute expressions from him in our "official" 5-month photo shoot, with him propped up in his beloved Poang chair:

But I got the
really cute shots later that day when he was playing with his happy yellow ducky, a present from his Uncle Eric:

One of which is now in our updated blog header. :)
Our little boy is growing up so quickly... It's a good thing we're chronicling it all with these Joshua Watch posts, because seriously, it's all going by in the blink of an eye!